The first presentation takes place at the Linea Project gallery spaces in Lecce, Italy.
Curated by Alice Caracciolo and Marco Vitale.
exhibition link
original soundtrack
Continuing my work with alphabets and numbers, here I explore the arcane code of the tarot, transforming visual details into fundamental structures that are scaled up to fill the entire staff paper, sometimes producing Escher-like figures. For the composition, I drew inspiration not only from the divinatory art of tarot, but also from Aleksandr Nikolayevich Scriabin and his “mystic” chord: a succession of notes conceived by the Russian composer and pianist both as a harmonic foundation and as a key to reading the Divine in the symphonic poem Prometheus: The Poem of Fire. By sampling the wind, the quintessential invisible element, I synthesized a digital instrument similar to an organ with which I performed the soundtrack.
(Alessio de Girolamo)
exibart digital gallery exibition link
original soundtrack
Living Room by NAM - Not A Museum is a contemporary art program of Manifattura Tabacchi, based on the principle of interdisciplinarity among the arts and on community engagement.
NAM catalogue
#2 original soundtrack
#3 original soundtrack
#4 original soundtrack
#5 original soundtrack
The sounds used to activate the generative algorithms are samples of traditional Chinese musical instruments that slowly grow on themselves as they develop according to an L-system. The sound interacts with Loris Cecchini’s Waterbones installation within a black cube.
Curated by Manuela Lietti.
In the first part of the performance, the artist translates the sounds of space into the notes of Hampton’s Memories of You using the SuperCollider software in real time. Then, he dilutes the original track into the rain, redesigning it according to his compositional method, known as Nn.
Nn theory was developed in 2015 by Alessio de Girolamo, with the help of the scientist Vincenzo Schettino and the orchestra conductor Francesco Oliveto. Nn theory highlights the curious structural identity, and the coincidental shared age of Niels Bohr’s atomic model (which interprets the periodic table of the elements) and the 97-key Bösendorfer Imperial 290 piano, designed by the composer Ferruccio Busoni. The study revealed that the two systems were so identical that they were essentially interchangeable, making it ideally possible to attribute a note of the aforementioned piano to each chemical element.
(Milena Becci)
The score is composed using a method I’ve named Nn (nomen nescio), where the overlay of the structure of Niels Bohr’s atomic model onto the Bösendorfer Imperial 290 piano model assigns a note to each element of the periodic table. I performed the sequence of elements present in the chemical formulas that describe the process of chlorophyll photosynthesis, recreating on the computer the extension over the 97 keys of the Bösendorfer piano. The resulting score was then inserted into a c-sound programming environment that manages pre-samplings, evolving them to a climax that becomes a metaphor for biological growth in the work.
The resulting track, recorded in its evolution up to the buffer overload limit, accompanies a concrete sound sample, namely the nighttime recording in the courtyard of via Genova 17, capturing the sounds of activity from the adjacent factory.
The increasing climax generated by the program lies on this sound bed, articulating into 4 variations of the algorithmic process.
(Artext Interview with Alessio de Girolamo by Dino Ascardi)
*Lindenmayer used L-systems to describe the behavior of plant cells and to model the growth processes of plant development.
*An L-system (Lindenmayer system) is a parallel rewriting system and a type of formal grammar applied to the phenotypes of plant cells.
Curated by Ermanno Cristini and Giancarlo Norese.